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be white about the gills

  • 1 be white about the gills

    (be (или look) white about (амер. around) the gills (тж. be или look green and yellow about или around the gills))
    1) иметь нездоровый, бледный вид, выглядеть больным, плохо выглядеть; см. тж. be rosy about the gills

    ‘Did you see him? Was he green about the gills?’ ‘No, he was in the pink,’ said Philip... (G. Vidal, ‘The Judgment of Paris’, ch. 6) — - Ну как, вы видели мистера Уиллиса? Он, говорят, с лица спал? - Нет, нет. У него цветущий вид, - ответил Филип.

    In the mirror he saw his image also listening and looking very white about the gills, he thought. (R. Greenwood, ‘Mr. Bunting at War’, ch. XVII) — В зеркале Эрнест увидел своего двойника. "Очень бледный и тоже прислушивается", - подумал Эрнест.

    2) иметь подавленный, расстроенный вид, быть не в настроении

    A: "My dear fellow!.. You're looking terribly green about the gills this morning." B: "Yesterday I lost my job, and I don't know what I shall do if I can't find work quickly." (SPI) — А: "Ну и вид у вас сегодня! Краше в гроб кладут..." Б: "я вчера потерял работу. Не знаю, что и делать, если быстро не найду новую."

    3) (только be или look white about (амер. around) the gills) испугаться

    ‘I don't blame him. Felt that way myself the first time I went down tbe shaft we sank on Coolgardie. Remember, Dinny?’ ‘Do I remember?’ Dinny chortled. ‘You were white around the gills, and no mistake, Morrey. But that didn't stop y'r goin' down every mornin' we were workin' in the shaft.’ (K. S. Prichard, ‘Golden Miles’, ch. 15) — - я лично не виню его. я сам в свое время струхнул, когда первый раз спускался в шахту, которую мы заложили в Кулгарди. Помнишь, Динни? - Еще бы не помнить! - усмехнулся Динни. - На тебе, Моррис, просто лица не было, побелел как полотно - уж можете не сомневаться. И все-таки потом каждое утро спускался в шахту как миленький.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > be white about the gills

  • 2 go white about the gills

    bleek/wit om de neus worden van schrik/angst

    English-Dutch dictionary > go white about the gills

  • 3 be white about the gills

    Общая лексика: быть испуганным

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be white about the gills

  • 4 look white about the gills

    Общая лексика: выглядеть испуганным

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > look white about the gills

  • 5 to be white about the gills

    Общая лексика: быть испуганным

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to be white about the gills

  • 6 be green about the gills

       1) имeть нeздopoвый, блeдный вид, выглядeть бoльным
        'Did you see him? Was he green about the gills?' 'No, he was in the pink,' said Philip (C. Vidat). As the sea became rougher and the boat rolled from side to side, many passengers began to look green about the gills. In his mirror he saw his image also listening and looking very white about the gills, he thought (R. Greenwood)
       2) (тoлькo be или look white about, around или in the gills) выглядeть иcпугaнным, имeть иcпугaнный вид
        'I don't blame him. Felt that way myself the First time I went down the shaft...' 'You were white around the gills, and no mistake, Morrey. But that didn't stop y'r [-your] goin' down every mornin' we were workin' in the shaft' (K. S. Prichard). The butler, who was by this time very white around the gills, said that Mr Penmar was indisposed and could see no one (S. Howatch)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > be green about the gills

  • 7 be rosy about the gills

    (be (или look) rosy about (амер. around) the gills)
    иметь здоровый вид, выглядеть здоровым, бодрым; см. тж. be white about the gills 1)

    Binnie, as brisk and rosy about the gills as chanticleer, broke out in a morning salutation. (W. Thackeray, ‘The Newcomes’, ch. VIII) — Бинни, пышущий здоровьем и задорный как молодой петушок, обратился ко всем с утренним приветствием.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > be rosy about the gills

  • 8 look white about (or around) the gills

       см. be white about the gills

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > look white about (or around) the gills

  • 9 be white about (around or in) the gills

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > be white about (around or in) the gills

  • 10 green around the gills

    green (pale, blue, pink, yellow, white) around (about, at, under) the gills бле́дный от стра́ха или боле́зни

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > green around the gills

  • 11 white

    adj. witte; heldere; bleek; eerlijk
    n. witte kleur; wit; helder, bleek; wit v.h. ei (eiwit); witte kleren; wit mens (albino); oogwit
    oogwit wit
    〈meervoud; the; informeel; medicijnen, geneeskunde〉 witte vloed
    1   dressed in white in het wit (gekleed)
    〈bijvoeglijk naamwoord; whiter; whiteness〉
    witbleek, blank; figuurlijk rein, onschuldig
    blank van mens
    1   white blood cell/corpuscule wit bloedlichaampje
         white Christmas witte kerst
         Brits-Engelswhite coffee koffie met melk/room
         white flag witte vlag ook figuurlijk
         white heat witte gloeihitte van metaal; figuurlijk kookpunt
         white magic witte magie
         white as a sheet lijkbleek, wit als een doek
         white tie wit strikje van rokkostuum; bij uitbreiding rokkostuum
    2   white hunter blanke jager/safarileider
         white slave blanke slavin
         white slavery handel in blanke slavinnen
    white alloy witmetaal
         white ant termiet
         plantkundewhite bryony heggenrank
         white elephant witte olifant; kostbaar maar nutteloos bezit/geschenk; weggegooid geld
         white ensign Britse marinevlag
         show the white feather zich lafhartig gedragen
         White Friar karmeliet
         white horses witgekuifde golven
         white lead loodwit
         white lie leugentje om bestwil
         Brits-Engelswhite paper, White Paper witboek
         White Russia Wit-Rusland
         white spirit terpentine
         bleed someone white iemand uitkleden, iemand het vel over de oren halen
         go white about the gills bleek/wit om de neus worden van schrik/angst

    English-Dutch dictionary > white

  • 12 white

    I. 1. бял
    WHITE caps/horses морски вълни с бели гребени, зайчета
    WHITE Christmas Коледа с много сняг
    2. бял, от бялата раса
    3. бял/побелял от страх и пр. (за лице)
    WHITE as a sheet/as ashes блед като платно, смъртно блед
    to turn WHITE побледнявам
    4. безцветен
    5. sl. чист, невинен, честен, почтен, благороден
    6. светъл, прозрачен (за вода, въздух)
    7. побелял, бял, сребрист (за коса)
    8. безкръвен, некръвопролитен
    9. бял, контрареволюционен, крайно консервативен, реакционен
    10. с мляко/сметана (за кафе)
    11. благоприятен
    II. 1. бял цвят, белота, бяла боя
    2. бял човек
    3. бяло облекло/униформа, бял плат
    4. белтък на яйце
    5. бялото на окото
    6. бяло вино
    7. рl белите фигури/пулове (на шах, таблa)
    8. човекът, който играе с белите фигури/пулове
    9. печ. обик. рl празно място
    10. централният кръг на мишена
    11. рl най-бялото брашно
    12. бяла пеперуда
    13. рl разг. бяло течение
    III. 1. побелявам, ставам бял
    2. избелвам, варосвам
    3. печ. оставям празно място
    * * *
    {wait} а 1. бял; white caps/horses морски вълни с бели гребени, зай(2) {wait} n 1. бял цвят; белота; бяла боя; 2. бял човек; 3. бя{3} {wait} v 1. побелявам, ставам бял; 2. избелвам; варосвам; 3
    * * *
    1 a бял; бледен, пребледнял; прен. невинен;2 n бяла боя, бяло (на око); белтък;white war; n 1. война без кръвопролитие; 2. икономическа блокада/борба.
    * * *
    1. 1 благоприятен 2. 1 бяла пеперуда 3. 1 рl най-бялото брашно 4. 1 рl разг. бяло течение 5. i. бял 6. ii. бял цвят, белота, бяла боя 7. iii. побелявам, ставам бял 8. sl. чист, невинен, честен, почтен, благороден 9. to turn white побледнявам 10. white as a sheet/as ashes блед като платно, смъртно блед 11. white caps/horses морски вълни с бели гребени, зайчета 12. white christmas Коледа с много сняг 13. безкръвен, некръвопролитен 14. безцветен 15. белтък на яйце 16. бял човек 17. бял, контрареволюционен, крайно консервативен, реакционен 18. бял, от бялата раса 19. бял/побелял от страх и пр. (за лице) 20. бяло вино 21. бяло облекло/униформа, бял плат 22. бялото на окото 23. избелвам, варосвам 24. печ. обик. рl празно място 25. печ. оставям празно място 26. побелял, бял, сребрист (за коса) 27. рl белите фигури/пулове (на шах, таблa) 28. с мляко/сметана (за кафе) 29. светъл, прозрачен (за вода, въздух) 30. централният кръг на мишена 31. човекът, който играе с белите фигури/пулове
    * * *
    white [wait] I. adj 1. бял; \white coffee кафе със сметана; to bleed s.o. \white прен. изсмуквам силите (средствата) на някого; обирам до шушка; изчерпвам до краен предел; \white about the gills sl страхлив, бъзлив; to show the \white feather проявявам малодушие; \white lie невинна лъжа; \white magic невинна (благородна) магия; \white slave "бяла робиня", проститутка; \white slave traffic търговия с жени; 2. блед(ен), побледнял, прибелял (от страх); \white as a sheet ( as ashes, as a ghost) смъртно бледен; to turn \white побледнявам; 3. светъл; прозрачен (за въздух, вода); 4. прен. разг. честен, чист, невинен; свестен; благороден; \whiter than \white изключително честен (почтен); 5. снежен; със сняг; със снеговалежи; 6. бял, неизписан (за лист); 7. рядко благоприятен, вещаещ добро; II. n 1. бял цвят; белота; бяла боя; 2. бял човек; 3. бяло облекло; бял плат; 4. белтък; 5. бялото на окото; 6. бяло вино; 7. обикн. pl празно място; 8. централният кръг на мишена; 9. pl най-бяло брашно; 10. бялата топка (в билярда); pl белите фигури, пулове (при игра на шах, табла); 11. човекът, който играе с белите фигури; 12. бяла пеперуда; 13. pl бяло течение; in the \white небоядисан, нелакиран (за дървена мебел); III. v 1. ост. боядисвам бял; 2. печ. оставям празно място; to \white out заличавам с коректор.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > white

  • 13 gill

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > gill

  • 14 Gill

    1. n ср. Гилл; n
    2. n ср. Джил; n
    3. n девушка; возлюбленная, любимая
    4. n обыкн. pl жабры
    5. n обыкн. pl бородка
    6. n обыкн. pl второй подбородок
    7. n обыкн. pl гимениальная пластинка
    8. n обыкн. pl текст. гребень
    9. n обыкн. pl тех. ребро
    10. n обыкн. pl сл. кончики стоячего воротничка
    11. v потрошить рыбу
    12. v ловить рыбу жаберными сетями
    13. v чистить грибы
    14. v текст. обрабатывать хлопок, шерсть гребенной планкой
    15. n глубокий лесистый овраг с ручьём
    16. n горный поток
    17. n мера жидкости
    18. n сосуд ёмкостью в
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. creek (noun) brook; creek; race; rivulet; runnel; stream
    2. side of the face (noun) cheek; chop; face; jaw; jowl; side of the face

    English-Russian base dictionary > Gill

  • 15 gill

    noun, usu. in pl.
    Kieme, die
    * * *
    1) (one of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes.) die Kieme
    2) (a leaf-like structure on the lower side of the top of a mushroom.) die Lamelle
    - academic.ru/116364/gill_cover">gill cover
    * * *
    n usu pl Kieme f
    to be [or look] green [or pale] about the \gills ( hum) grün im Gesicht sein fam
    to be packed [or full] to the \gills ( fam) zum Bersten voll sein
    the restaurant was packed to the \gills das Restaurant war proppenvoll fam
    to be stuffed [or full] to the \gills ( fam) bis oben hin voll sein fam
    to the \gills ( fam) bis oben hin
    n (measure) Gill nt (0,148 l)
    * * *
    I [gɪl]
    (of fish) Kieme f

    green about the gills (inf)blass um die Nase (inf)

    II [dZɪl]
    (= measure) Gill nt (0,148 l)
    * * *
    gill1 [ɡıl]
    A s
    1. FISCH Kieme f:
    gill arch ( cleft oder slit, cover) Kiemenbogen m (-spalte f, -deckel m);
    gill net Wandnetz n
    2. pl (auch als sg konstruiert) ORN Kehllappen m:
    be green ( oder white) about ( oder around) the gills hum grün oder blass um die Nase(nspitze) sein
    3. BOT Lamelle f:
    gill fungus Blätterpilz m
    4. Spinnerei: Hechelkamm m
    5. TECH Kühlrippe f, -ring m
    B v/t
    a) ausnehmen
    b) mit einem Wandnetz fangen
    2. die Lamellen von Pilzen entfernen
    gill2 [ɡıl] s besonders schott
    1. (waldige) Schlucht
    2. Gebirgs-, Wildbach m
    gill3 [dʒıl] s Viertelpint n (Br 0,14 l; US 0,12 l)
    gill4 [dʒıl] s obs Liebste f
    gi. abk WIRTSCH US gill ( gills pl) (Gewichtsmaß)
    * * *
    noun, usu. in pl.
    Kieme, die
    * * *
    (mushroom) n.
    Lamelle am Pilz f. n.
    Kehllappen m.
    Kieme -n f.
    Kühlrippe f.
    Rippe -n (Techn.) f.

    English-german dictionary > gill

  • 16 gill

    I [gɪl]
    nome (of fish) branchia f.

    green about the gillscolloq. pallido come un cencio

    II [dʒɪl]
    nome gill m.
    * * *
    1) (one of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes.) branchia
    2) (a leaf-like structure on the lower side of the top of a mushroom.) lamella
    * * *
    I [ɡɪl] n
    (of fish) branchia
    II [dʒɪl] n
    (measure) 0,142 l
    * * *
    gill (1) /gɪl/
    n. (di solito al pl.)
    1 (zool.) branchia ( di pesce)
    2 (zool.) bargiglio; bargiglione
    3 (pl.) (scherz.) pappagorgia; mento
    4 (bot.) lamella ( di fungo)
    5 (mecc.) aletta
    ● (zool.) gill cover, opercolo branchiale □ ( pesca) gill net, tramaglio □ (fam.) to be blue (o green) about the gills, essere verde per un malessere o per lo spavento; ( USA) essere sbronzo (o ubriaco) □ (fam.) to get (o to go) green [white, blue] around the gills, diventare verde [sbiancare] per la paura (un malessere, ecc.) □ (fig.: di persona) rosy around the gills, dall'aspetto sano; rubicondo.
    gill (2) /gɪl/
    1 forra; gola
    2 torrentello.
    gill (3) /dʒɪl/
    1 «gill» ( misura di capacità, pari a 0,142 litri)
    2 recipiente che contiene un «gill».
    gill (4) /dʒɪl/
    n. (abbr. di Gillian; spreg.)
    ragazza; giovane donna; fidanzata.
    (to) gill /gɪl/
    v. t.
    1 sbuzzare, pulire ( il pesce)
    3 ( anche to gill-net) pescare col tramaglio.
    * * *
    I [gɪl]
    nome (of fish) branchia f.

    green about the gillscolloq. pallido come un cencio

    II [dʒɪl]
    nome gill m.

    English-Italian dictionary > gill

  • 17 gill

    1) (one of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes.) gjelle
    2) (a leaf-like structure on the lower side of the top of a mushroom.) skive
    subst. \/ɡɪl\/
    1) ( på fisk) gjelle
    2) ( på hønsefugl) hakelapp
    3) ( spøkefullt på person) hakepose, kinnpose
    4) ( botanikk) skive (under hatten på sopp)
    5) ( mekanikk) ribbe (f.eks. på radiator)
    breathe through gills puste med gjeller
    fed up to the gills ( hverdagslig) ha noe helt oppe i halsen
    loaded to the gills ( hverdagslig) fylt til randen full, beruset
    soused\/stewed to the gills ( hverdagslig) sørpe full, full som en alke
    white\/pale\/green about the gills eller white\/pale\/green at the gills ( hverdagslig) blek om nebbet
    subst. \/ɡɪl\/ eller ghyll
    1) (britisk, dialekt) gjel, skogkløft (med elv)
    2) bekk, liten elv
    subst. \/dʒɪl\/
    ( måleenhet for væsker) 1\/4 pint (britisk 1,42 dl, amer. 1,18 dl)
    verb \/ɡɪl\/
    sløye (fisk)

    English-Norwegian dictionary > gill

См. также в других словарях:

  • green around the gills — or[pale around the gills] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Pale faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated. * /Bill s father took him for a ride in his boat while the waves were rough, and when he came back he was green around the gills./ * /The car… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • green around the gills — or[pale around the gills] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Pale faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated. * /Bill s father took him for a ride in his boat while the waves were rough, and when he came back he was green around the gills./ * /The car… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • blue\ around\ the\ gills — • green around the gills • pale around the gills • blue around the gills See: green around the gills adj. phr. slang Pale faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated. Bill s father took him for a ride in his boat while the waves were rough,… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • green\ around\ the\ gills — • green around the gills • pale around the gills • blue around the gills See: green around the gills adj. phr. slang Pale faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated. Bill s father took him for a ride in his boat while the waves were rough,… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • pale\ around\ the\ gills — • green around the gills • pale around the gills • blue around the gills See: green around the gills adj. phr. slang Pale faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated. Bill s father took him for a ride in his boat while the waves were rough,… …   Словарь американских идиом

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  • The Creature Walks Among Us — film poster by Reynold Brown Directed by John Sherwood …   Wikipedia

  • White Side — Infobox Mountain Name = White Side Photo = White Side and Skiddaw.jpg Caption = White Side is the green hill in the foreground. By Ann Bowker. Elevation = 863 m (2,831 ft) Location = Cumbria, ENG Range = Lake District, Eastern Fells Prominence =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Muppet Show — At the Dance redirects here. For the song by Corey Hart, see First Offense. The Muppet Show Kermit the Frog as seen on the show s opening sequence. Format Live a …   Wikipedia

  • White trevally — Taxobox name = White trevally image caption = Photo by Ian Skipworth regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Carangidae genus = Pseudocaranx species = P. dentex binomial = Pseudocaranx dentex… …   Wikipedia

  • The Dubs — This article is about the American music band. For the GAA team, see Dublin GAA. The Dubs are an American doo wop vocal group formed in 1956, best known for their songs Could This Be Magic , Don t Ask Me To Be Lonely and Chapel of Dreams .… …   Wikipedia

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